Mayor Donald R. Grebien

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Employee Forms and Resources

Access employee forms and resources regarding benefits, deals, etc.

On this Page

Birth records on file in the City Clerk’s office date back to 1728. Records 100 
years and older are public records. All records less than 100 years old are only
available by request to the person named on the record or to a close relative.

General Forms

If you were:

  • Born in Rhode Island after 1960
    You may obtain your birth certificate at the following locations:
    • Any city or town in Rhode Island
    • RI Department of Health, Vital Records:
      Division of Vital Records
      Simpson Hall — Pastore Campus
      6 Harrington Road
      Cranston, RI 02920
  • Born in Pawtucket before 1960
  • Born in Rhode Island and your mother lived in Pawtucket at the
    time of your birth

    You may obtain your birth certificate at the following locations:
    • City Clerk’s Office:
      Room 301
      137 Roosevelt Ave
      Pawtucket, RI 02860
    • RI Department of Health, Vital Records:
      Division of Vital Records
      Simpson Hall — Pastore Campus
      6 Harrington Road
      Cranston, RI 02920

Benefit Information and Changes

Medical Waivers

Qualifying Life Events



Wellness Program

Delta Dental Student Certification Forms

Deals and Perks

In person:

$22 for the first certificate

$18 for each additional certificate, of the same record, when
ordered simultaneously.

By mail or online:

$25 for the first certificate

$18 for each additional certificate, of the same record, when
ordered simultaneously.

Online requests will have an additional $5 surcharge when using a credit card.