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Pawtucket Business Development Corporation


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Commerce Director

Rick Lefferts
Loan Analyst, Commonweal Collaborative

Herb Weiss
Economic & Cultural Affairs Officer

Attorney Keith Fayan
Fayan Law

Michael Cassidy
Planning Consultant

Jan Brodie

John Neary

Richard Sugerman
Vice President

Jennifer Hennigan
Linda Dewing
Isaac Amponsah
John Connors
Alex Lyte
David Odessa
Monika Zuluaga
Matthew Carvalho
Richard Goldstein
Roger Messier
David Odessa
Agnelo H. Alves, Jr.
Allen Chatterton
Kara Larson
Brendan McGinn
Audrey Wendell
On this Page
Birth records on file in the City Clerk’s office date back to 1728. Records 100
years and older are public records. All records less than 100 years old are only
available by request to the person named on the record or to a close relative.
PBDC Application Form
Meeting Dates
Pawtucket’s Business Development Corporation generally meets on the last Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m., on the second floor of Slater Mill at 67 Roosevelt Avenue.